Richard Henderson



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Richard Henderson has more than 25 years of experience advising banks, shipowners and investors in connection with the financing of ships, shipbuilding contracts, acquisitions and sales of ships and shipping-related businesses and restructuring of financings.

He has also advised clients extensively on other shipping-related contracts, such as LNG project tenders, offshore industry contracts, joint ventures and pooling agreements.

Richard Henderson is the author of a post-graduate course on ship finance at Lloyds Maritime Academy in association with the World Maritime University, where he is also an occasional lecturer.

He has also written and taught a post-graduate diploma course for Shanghai Maritime University and is also one of the original authors of Euromoney's Book on Shipping Finance.



Graduated from King's College, London (UK)


Admission as a Solicitor in England

1987 - 1996

Worked at Slaughter and May and Stephenson Harwood in London and Hong Kong

1990 - 1991

Worked in Copenhagen and Oslo, for Danish and Norwegian law firms

1997 - 2000

Worked at Watson, Farley & Williams, London

2000 - 2011

Partner at Watson, Farley & Williams

since 2011

Partner at EHLERMANN RINDFLEISCH GADOW; set-up of the firm's London office



1991 and 1995

The financing of second-hand ships
Shipping Finance, Euromoney Books, 1st edition 1991 and 2nd edition 1995

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